
Lista wydanych i niewydanych modeli do Necromundy (3.edycja)

Ostatnie aktualizacje:

2024-08-13 – nowe modele i podręcznik Book of Desolation
2024-07-19, 2024-04-05, 2024-01-29, 2023-11-19 – nowe modele i zapowiedzi
2023-11-09 – nowe modele i zapowiedzi Forge World
2023-10-17 – dodane zapowiedzi Forge World
2023-10-02 – dodane zapowiedzi Forge World
2023-09-26 – dodane zapowiedzi i podręcznik Arantian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan
2023-09-22 – dodany Ironhead Squat Prospectors Claim Jumper
2023-04-04, 2023-06-02 – nowe modele i podręcznik Aranthian Succession: Vaults of Temenos
2023-03-07 – dodane zapowiedzi Forge World
2022-12-05, 2023-01-09, 2023-01-20 – nowe modele i zapowiedzi

2022-10-31 – dodane zapowiedzi Forge World
2022-09-30 – nowe modele i podręcznik Aranthian Succession: Cinderak Burning
2022-07-27, 2022-08-29, 2022-09-09 – dodane zapowiedzi Forge World
2022-07-04, 2022-07-18 – dodane zapowiedzi Forge World i niewydane modele z Book of Outlands

2022-06-15, 2022-07-02 – nowe modele z Ash Wastes i podręcznik Book of Outlands
2022-01-24 – nowe modele z Forge World
2021-11-22 – nowe modele i podręcznik Book of the Outcast
2021-11-06, 2021-11-19 – dodane nowe modele z Forge World z Q4 2021
2021-08-10 – nowe modele i podręcznik House of Shadow
2021-06-15 – nowe modele i podręcznik House of Faith
2021-03-05 – dodane nowe modele z Forge World z Q1 2021
2020-12-27 – nowe modele i podręcznik House of Artifice
2020-11-06 – nowe modele i podręcznik House of Iron
2020-09-20 – nowe modele i podręcznik House of Blades
2020-03-20 – dodany Bigby Crumb, Ratling Slopper
2020-02-29 – poprawione błędy i dodany podręcznik House of Chains

CawdorGangs of the Underhive, House of FaithCitadel2018 Q3
Cawdor RedemptionistsHouse of FaithCitadel2021 Q2
DelaqueGangs of the UnderhiveCitadel2018 Q4
Delaque: Nacht-Ghul, Psy-Gheist and Piscean SpektorHouse of ShadowCitadel2021 Q3
EscherGangs of the Underhive, House of BladesCitadel2017 Q4
Escher: Death Maidens & Wyld RunnersHouse of BladesCitadel2020 Q3
Escher: Champions (3)Gangs of the Underhive, House of BladesForge World2020 Q4
GoliathGangs of the Underhive, House of ChainsCitadel2017 Q4
Goliath: Stimmers and Forge-bornHouse of ChainsCitadel2020 Q1
Goliath: Champion with RenderizerGangs of the Underhive, House of ChainsForge World2022 Q3
OrlockGangs of the Underhive, House of IronCitadel2018 Q1
Orlock: Arms Masters and WreckersHouse of IronCitadel2020 Q4
Orlock: Champion and GangersGangs of the Underhive, House of IronForge World2021 Q1
Van SaarGangs of the Underhive, House of ArtificeCitadel2018 Q2
Van Saar: ChampionsGangs of the Underhive, House of ArtificeForge World2021 Q1
Van Saar: Archeoteks & Grav-CuttersHouse of ArtificeCitadel2020 Q4
Van Saar: Tek-huntersBook of DesolationCitadel2024 Q3
Palanite EnforcersBook of JudgementCitadel2019 Q3
Palanite SubjugatorsBook of JudgementCitadel2019 Q4
Corpse Grinder CultsBook of RuinCitadel2019 Q4
Genestealer CultsBook of RuinCitadeln/d
Malstrain Genestealer AbominationBook of DesolationCitadel2024 Q3
Malstrain AlphaBook of DesolationForge Worldzapowiedź 2024 Q3
Malstrain CoalescenceBook of DesolationForge Worldzapowiedź 2024 Q3
Venator GangsBook of Periln/d**n/d
Helot Chaos CultsBook of RuinCitadeln/d
Slave OgrynHouse of ChainsCitadel2020 Q3
Underhive OutcastsBook of the OutcastCitadel2021 Q4
Ash Waste Nomads: War PartyBook of the OutlandsCitadel2022 Q2
Ash Waste Nomads: DustBack HelamitesBook of the OutlandsCitadel2022 Q2
Ash Waste Nomads: Wy’tari StormcallerBook of the OutlandsForge World2022 Q2
Ash Waste Nomads: Chieftain with Venom CasterBook of the OutlandsForge World2024 Q2
Ironhead Squat ProspectorsBook of the OutlandsCitadel2022 Q2
Ironhead Squat Prospectors: Champion with Mining LaserBook of the OutlandsForge World2024 Q1
Orrus Spyre HuntersBook of DesolationCitadel2024 Q3
Malcadon, Yeld & Jakara Spyre HuntersBook of DesolationCitadel2024 Q3
Orlock Outrider QuadsBook of the OutlandsCitadel2022 Q2
RidgerunnerBook of the OutlandsCitadeln/d
WolfquadBook of the OutlandsCitadeln/d
RockgrinderBook of the OutlandsCitadeln/d
Cargo-8 RidgehaulerBook of the OutlandsCitadel2022 Q2
Ridgehauler Trailer with Promethium TanksBook of the OutlandsCitadel2022 Q4
Ridgehauler TrailerBook of the OutlandsCitadel2022 Q2
Escher Cutters Aranthian Succession: Cinderak BurningCitadel2022 Q4
Goliath MaulerAranthian Succession: Cinderak BurningCitadel2022 Q3
Cawdor Ridge WalkersAranthian Succession: Vaults of TemenosCitadel2023 Q2
Van Saar Arachnika Ash-jumpersAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanCitadel2023 Q4
Chronos Pattern IroncrawlerAranthian Succession: Vaults of TemenosForge World2022 Q4
Ironhead Squat Prospectors Skalvian ExploratorAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanForge World2023 Q4
Enforcer Tauros VenatorAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanCitadel2023 Q4
Dramatis Personae
Abomination of Badzone 12Book of Ruin
Ajex GorgothHouse of ChainsForge World2023 Q1
Alygge ShivverBook of Ruin
Apollus KageBook of PerilForge World2019 Q3
Arachnotek GolemHouse of Artifice
Aramista Dae CatallusBook of Peril
Arbelesta Raen CatallusBook of Peril
Ashwood Stranger, Outcasts LeaderBook of the OutcastForge World2023 Q2
Asun’ghar, the Lady of AshAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanForge World2023 Q3
Athera and StixAranthian Succession: Cinderak BurningForge World2022 Q4
Attilus the AxeHouse of Chains
Axon HammerAranthian Succession: Vaults of TemenosForge World2020 Q3
Baetrum ArturosGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2019 Q1
BelladonnaGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2018 Q2
Betti BansheeHouse of Blades
Bigby Crumb, Ratling SlopperBook of the OutcastForge World2020 Q1
Calthyxis, Delaque Bounty HunterHouse of Shadow
Cor 'Two-Guns’ CoranBook of Judgement
Cyniss, House AgentHouse of Blades
D060-K13House of Iron
Deacon MalakevHouse of FaithForge World2021 Q4
DeserterGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2019 Q2
Djangar 'Gunfists’House of Chains
Doctor Arachnos, Rogue DocBook of the OutcastForge World2020 Q4
Durgan Kill-FistAranthian Succession: Vaults of TemenosForge World2020 Q3
Eightfold Harvest LordBook of RuinForge World2020 Q1
Estus JetBook of JudgementForge World2023 Q1
Eyros SlagmystGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2018 Q2
Freikstorn StrixBook of Peril
Gaen 'The Gunk Queen’ GorvosBook of JudgementForge World2022 Q3
Gor Half-HornGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2017 Q4
Gorshiv HammerfistAranthian Succession: Cinderak BurningForge World2022 Q4
Grendl GrendlsenGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2018 Q2
Grub TargesonGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2018 Q1
Hagar Freelord, Master of the Mercator UmbrusBook of the Outcast
Headsman: House Cawdor ExecutionerHouse of FaithForge World2019 Q2
Hermaphage MagosBook of Ruin
Hermiatus the Second SonBook of DesolationForge Worldzapowiedź 2024 Q3
Jonny RazorBook of Judgement
Jorth SlitherBook of Ruin
Kal Jericho + ScabsBook of PerilCitadel2019 Q2
Klovis the RedeemerBook of FaithForge World2021 Q4
Kria 'The Huntress’ KytoroGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2018 Q3
Krotos HarkGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2019 Q3
Lady Credo, Rebel LordBook of the OutcastForge World2021 Q3
Lady Haera HelmawrAranthian Succession: Cinderak BurningForge World2023 Q2
Lady Haera Helmawr in unique Spyrer SuitBook of DesolationForge Worldzapowiedź 2024 Q3
Lisbeth the Iron AngelHouse of Artifice
Mad Dog MonoGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2018 Q1
Margo MerdenaHouse of Iron
Mortanna ShroudBook of Peril
Necrana, House AgentHouse of Blades
Old Three-EyesHouse of Chains
Orrin GrimjarlAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanForge World2023 Q4
Ortruum 8-8Gangs of the UnderhiveForge World2019 Q1
Prophet of the RedemptionAranthian Succession: Vaults of Temenos
Psyreena SkarBook of Judgement
Queen LorshaBook of Ruin
Ragnir Gunnstein, Squat Ammo-jackBook of the OutcastForge World2019 Q3
Rattus TatterskinBook of FaithForge World2021 Q1
Rex SpiresBook of PerilForge World2023 Q1
Tess 'Arc-Up’House of Chains
Urson GrimjarlAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanForge World2023 Q4
Servant of the Silent Ones, Delaque House AgentHouse of Shadow
Scrutinator Primus ServalenAranthian Succession: Vaults of TemenosForge World2020 Q3
Silberlant Sevos the InfotekAranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan
Slate Merdena + MaculaGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2018 Q2
T.H.R.U.G. 12 'Sparky’House of Chains
Thaetos 23-2Book of PerilForge World2019 Q1*
Vandoth the FallenBook of Ruin
Vespa 'Minx’ MerdenaAranthian Succession: Cinderak BurningForge World2022 Q2
Von Buren the Rogue ArcheotekBook of Artifice
Vorgen 'Gunner’ MortzBook of Peril
Vunder GorvosBook of JudgementForge World2022 Q3
Wilcox 'Wild Snake’ CinderjackHouse of Iron
Yageloth, Delaque Bounty HunterHouse of ShadowForge World2024 Q3
Yar UmbraGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2019 Q2
Yolanda SkornGangs of the UnderhiveForge World2018 Q1
Rogue DocGangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of Shadow, Book of OutcastForge World2020 Q3
Delaque Rogue DocGangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of Shadow, Book of OutcastForge World2024 Q2
Ammo JackGangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of Shadow, Book of OutcastForge World2019 Q2
Dome RunnerGangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of Shadow, Book of OutcastForge World2019 Q2
Gang LookoutGangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of ShadowForge World2020 Q3
Delaque Gang LookoutGangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of ShadowForge World2024 Q2
SlopperGangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of Shadow, Book of OutcastForge World2022 Q1
FixerBook of JudgementForge World2024 Q3
ScabberBook of JudgementForge World2022 Q1
NarkerBook of Judgement
ProxyBook of JudgementForge World2024 Q3
PropagandistBook of JudgementForge World2022 Q3
Cadaver MerchantBook of Ruin
HeretekBook of Ruin
AgitatorBook of RuinForge World2022 Q3
Brute HandlerHouse of ChainsForge World2023 Q1
Chem DealerHouse of ChainsForge World2023 Q1
Pit TrainesHouse of Chains
Apprentice Clan ChymistHouse of BladesForge World2022 Q4
ShivverHouse of BladesForge World2022 Q4
Bullet MerchantHouse of Iron
Grease MonkeyHouse of Iron
Prize FighterHouse of Iron
Cogitator Core ServitorHouse of Artifice
Tech-MerchantHouse of Artifice
Data-ScrivenerHouse of Artifice
Hive PreacherHouse of Faith
FlagellatorHouse of Faith
Psychoteric ThrallHouse of Shadow
Delaque SpykerGangs of the Underhive, House of ShadowForge World2022 Q3
Whisper MerchantHouse of Shadow
Underhive Trader: RelicmongerBook of OutcastForge World2022 Q4
Underhive Trader: BeastwranglerBook of OutcastForge World2022 Q4
Underhive Trader: Gun-smythBook of OutcastForge World2022 Q4
Nomad Arthromite HerderBook of the OutlandsForge World2023 Q1
Claim JumperAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanForge World2023 Q3
Arthromite DuneskuttlerBook of the OutlandsForge World2023 Q1
Cawdor Stig-ShamblerGangs of the Underhive, House of FaithForge World2021 Q4
Enforcer 'Sanctioner’ Pattern AutomataAranthian Succession: Vaults of TemenosCitadel2023 Q2
Escher KhimerixGangs of the Underhive, House of BladesForge World2021 Q4
Goliath ZerkerGangs of the Underhive, House of ChainsForge World2020 Q1
Iron AutomataBook of Judgement
Ironhead Squat Prospectors Vartijan Exo-DrillerBook of the OutlandsForge World2022 Q3
Jotunn Servitor OgrynGangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of Shadow, Book of OutcastCitadel2020 Q3
Luther Pattern 'Ambot’Gangs of the Underhive, House of Chains, House of Blades, House of Iron, House of Artifice, House of Faith, House of Shadow, Book of OutcastCitadel2019 Q1
Orlock 'Lugger’ Cargo ServitorGangs of the Underhive, House of Iron
Outland Beastmaster (with Milisaurs)Book of the OutlandsForge World2023 Q2
Outland Beastmaster (with Ripperjacks)Book of the OutlandsForge World2023 Q1
Outland Beastmaster (with Giant Rat)Book of the OutlandsForge World2024 Q2
PIscean SpektorHouse of ShadowCitadel2021 Q3
Van Saar 'Arachni-Rig’ Servo-SuitGangs of the Underhive, House of ArtificeForge World2021 Q4
Exotic Beasts
CaryatidGangs of the Underhive
Cephalopod SpektorGangs of the Underhive, House of ShadowForge World2023 Q4
Cherub-servitorHouse of Faith
Cyber-mastiffGangs of the Underhive, House of IronCitadel2020 Q4
CyberachnidGangs of the Underhive, House of ArtificeForge World2021 Q4
GrapplehawkBook of JudgementForge World2023 Q3
Gyrinx CatBook of Judgement
Hardcase Cyber-MastiffAranthian Succession: Vaults of TemenosForge World2020 Q3
MillisaurBook of the OutlandsForge World2023 Q2
PhelynxHouse of BladesCitadel2020 Q3
Phyrr CatGangs of the Underhive,
House of Blades
Forge World2021 Q1
Psychoteric WyrmHouse of ShadowCitadel2021 Q3
RipperjackBook of the OutlandsForge World2023 Q1
Sheen BirdsGangs of the Underhive, House of FaithForge World2021 Q4
SumpkrocGangs of the Underhive, House of ChainsForge World2018 Q4
Techmite AutoveyorAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanForge World2023 Q3
Techmite ExovatorAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanForge World2023 Q4
Techmite OculiAranthian Succession: Ruins of JardlanForge World2023 Q4
Wasteland Giant RatBook of the OutlandsForge World2024 Q2
Bomb Delivery RatsGangs of the Underhive, House of FaithForge World2019 Q1
Trazion Pattern Sentry GunsBook of DesolationCitadel2024 Q3
Nautican Syphoning DelegationBook of Peril, House of BladesForge World2021 Q3
Pyromantic ConclaveBook of Peril, House of Artifice
Corpse Harvesting PartyBook of Peril, House of FaithForge World2023 Q1
Slaver EntourageBook of Peril, House of ChainsForge World2020 Q1
Toll CollectorsBook of Peril, House of Iron
Smuggler Shore PartyBook of Judgement, House of Blades
Master CharlatanBook of Judgement, House of Artifice
Factoria Work GangsBook of Judgement, House of Faith
Rebel LordBook of Judgement, House of Iron
Mind-Locked WyrdBook of Judgement, House of ShadowForge World2023 Q4
House Greim Military AtacheHouse of ChainsForge World2021 Q3
House Ko’iron Ministorum DelegationHouse of Faith
House Ulanti Court AdvisorHouse of Blades
House Ran Lo Auditing ConclaveHouse of Iron
House Catallus CarnivalHouse of Artifice
House Ty Onmyodo CovenHouse of Shadow
Enforcer BodyguardsAranthian Succession: Vaults of Temenos